breast cancer Cancer Chemotherapy Clinical trial colorectal cancer esophageal cancer gastrointestinal cancer Yunzhi by mushroomsguide December 5, 2016 Efficacy of Yun Zhi (Coriolus versicolor) on survival in cancer patients: systematic review and meta-analysis
Chemotherapy cholesterol colorectal cancer Immune Longevity stomach cancer Virus Yunzhi by mushroomsguide December 5, 2016 Medicinal Value of Turkey Tail Fungus Trametes versicolor (L.:Fr.) Pilát (Aphyllophoromycetideae). A Literature Review
Cancer Chemotherapy Lingzhi Tumor by mushroomsguide December 2, 2016 Antitumor activity of extracts of Ganoderma lucidum and their protective effects on damaged HL-7702 cells induced by radiotherapy and chemotherapy
breast cancer Lingzhi prostate cancer by mushroomsguide December 1, 2016 Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) in cancer treatment
Cancer Maitake Tumor by MushroomsGuide Writer November 28, 2016 Effect of Maitake (Grifola frondosa) D-Fraction on the activation of NK cells in cancer patients